Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Preparedness Gifts for Christmas

Gifting Peace Of Mind

Holiday Gifts that can Save Lives

Release Date: December 8, 2009
Release Number: R10-10-003

» 2009 Region X News Releases

SEATTLE, Wash. -- Each and every year millions of American lives are disrupted by natural disasters ranging from earthquakes and tsunamis to floods and wildfire. But all disasters—large or small—share a common attribute: they focus attention on the importance of disaster preparedness and the critical need to take action before disaster strikes. The trick is to convert good intentions into good deeds, and according to Acting FEMA Regional Administrator Dennis Hunsinger, there's no time like the holidays.

"Disaster-ready gifts can save lives, and are a wonderful way of welcoming in 2010," said Hunsinger. "Helping to better prepare neighbors, friends and loved ones for emergencies is a great way to say 'I care.'"

Emergency and preparedness items that might make great gifts this Holiday Season include:

  • NOAA Weather Radios and extra batteries.
  • Enrollment in a CPR or first-aid class.
  • Smoke detectors.
  • Appropriate fire extinguishers (kitchen, garage, car).
  • Disaster kits for homes, offices and autos (first aid kits, food, water and prescription medications for 72 hours, extra clothing, blankets, flashlights).
  • Foldable ladders for second-story escape in a fire.
  • Car kits (emergency flares, shovels, ice scrapers, flashlights and fluorescent distress flags).
  • Pet Disaster Kits (food, water, leashes, dishes and carrying case or crate).
  • A camp stove with extra fuel.
  • The gift of a gardener to cut back combustible vegetation from wildfire-vulnerable homes.
  • National Flood Insurance.

A wealth of information and preparedness tips is available from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's READY.GOV site at: www.ready.gov and from FEMA at: www.fema.gov.

Stay informed of FEMA's activities online: videos and podcasts available at www.fema.gov/medialibrary and www.youtube.com/fema; follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/femainfocus twitter.com/femaregion10 and on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/fema.

FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.