Emergency and preparedness items that might make great gifts include:
- NOAA Weather Radios and extra batteries.
- Enrollment in a CPR or first-aid class.
- GPS units for vehicles.
- Smoke detectors.
- Emergency cell phones.
- Appropriate fire extinguishers (kitchen, garage, car).
- Disaster kits for homes, offices and vehicles (first aid kits, food, water and prescription medications for 72 hours, extra eyeglasses or contact lenses, extra clothing, blankets, flashlights and spare batteries, heavy-duty work gloves and sturdy shoes).
- Foldable ladders for second-story escape in a fire.
- Car kits (emergency flares, shovels, ice scrapers, flashlights and fluorescent distress flags).
- Pet Disaster Kits (food, water, leashes, dishes and carrying case or crate).
- A camp stove with extra fuel.
- The gift of a gardener to cut back combustible vegetation from wildfire-vulnerable homes.
- National Flood Insurance.